low on H2O by Hermelinda Hernandez Monjaras

my voice is shutting in. . .the empty 

of water. . .my mind spins in a low 

daze. . .im as good as a desert 

without a drop of taste-

am i good as a taste 

without a drop 

of desert

Hermelinda Hernandez Monjaras, aka Ceci, is an undergraduate majoring in English- Creative Writing at CSU, Fresno. She has been published in CWAA, Chicano Writers and Artists Association, and is the recipient of the Mireyda Barraza Martinez Prize for Social Justice Writing. Her poetry delves in self-identity and the strange.


An erasure Poem from Randa Jarrar’s "YOU ARE A 14-YEAR-OLD ARAB CHICK WHO JUST MOVED TO TEXAS" by Gregory Gonzalez


Chicken of the Trees by Christy Bailes